The VIS "Be Fit. Be Well" schools program is open to Government primary and secondary schools.
We've moved Online!
Due to COVID-19 we've had to change things around a little, but don't worry, in partnership with School Sport Victoria we are still able to connect our athletes to Victorian Government primary and secondary schools free of charge.
Australian Hockey player, Sophie Taylor's video now comes with an easy to follow free Yoga & Pilates session for your school!
Here's a snippet below:
Thanks to School Sport Victoria we are able to connect our athletes to Victorian Government primary and secondary schools free of charge.
The Victorian Institute of Sport schools program was introduced on the back of the famous Moneghetti review of Physical and Sport Education in Victoria in the mid 1990s and has been running successfully for over two decades.
The athletes' message to the students emphasises the link between physical activity and wellness. Key topics include motivation, resilience, goal setting, coping with pressure and health/nutrition.
Book now
To make a " Be Fit. Be Well" booking or enquire about the Virtual Program simply call VIS Reception on 03 9425 0000 or email (
Primary School Videos Available
Brooke Stratton (Athletics)
Laura Hingston (Diving)
Jason Lees (Wheelchair Rugby)
Secondary School Videos Available
Linden Hall (Athletics)
Sophie Taylor (Hockey)
Milly Tapper (Table Tennis)
Senior Secondary School Videos Available
Carol Cooke (Para Cycling)
Alistair Donohoe (Para Cycling)
Tess Lloyd (Sailing)
The program is free of charge to Government schools.
If you are from a non-Government school please contact us to see what is available for your students at a very reasonable fee.

Virtual Speaker Program firing on all cylinders with release of new video

Students inspired by VIS virtual school speaker program
Olympic and Paralympic history maker Melissa “Milly” Tapper has shared her story of resilience with students from an athlete development program in Melbourne’s South East. Via the Victorian Institute of Sport’s (VIS) school speaker program ‘BeFitBeWell’ Tapper delivered her key messages and encouraged students to stay active.