We are pleased to announce that Simon Gadsden has been appointed the new Head Coach of the VIS/ Victorian Performance Pathway (VPP) Rowing program.
Simon is currently the Mercantile Rowing Club Head Coach having held that position for the past 3 years and in that time overseen 30 National Championship and 60 State Championship titles. Simon has also held Australian National U23 Team coach roles and domestically coached a number of FISA World Champions.
Previous to that role, Simon held the role of the Victorian HPDP State Talent Pathway Coordinator which involved identifying, recruiting and case managing the development of talented athletes within Victoria.
Simon will formally start in his new position with the VIS on 25th March, 2018.
In the interim period, Dr Rod Siegel, Lead Sport Scientist for the VIS rowing program will be the operational point of contact for the program and will be coordinating and managing the activities through the National Championships and Trials period, with Simon having a transitional observation and overseeing role.