Victorian Institute of Sport is proud to be partnering with VicHealth to support more Victorian women and girls to get active. It’s fantastic that women’s sport is starting to get the recognition and respect it deserves but we still have a long way to go to equal men’s sport in terms of participation, media coverage and profile. And there are still not enough women in key decision making and leadership roles in sport.
With the support of VicHealth funding, Victorian Institute of Sport will promote gender equality and increase the profile of women’s sport by promoting the This Girl Can – Victoria campaign to our members and community. By taking the VicHealth Gender Equality in Sport Leadership Pledge, we are also committing to achieving gender balance in all our public events and marketing, and prioritising access for women and girls in all facilities we use.
We believe that increasing gender equality and female participation in sport benefits us all, from the girls who get to continue playing sport all the way to elite levels just like their brothers; to the local clubs whose community is enriched by having more women and girls involved; and the elite team Boards that make better decisions with diverse views around the table.
Find out more about the This Girl Can Victoria campaign by visiting and you can join the supportive This Girl Can community on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.