Team visualisation is an important element for team development and coaches need to understand the concept and purpose of visualisation and the techniques used to visual for team performance.
In order to visualise, coaches and players have to use their sensory abilities through observation, imagination and invention. Generally, teams will be successful if they share a vision and commitment to the game.
There are certain outcomes from visualisation:
- An understanding of the team’s attainable goals and expectations
- A focus on activities designed to achieve targets and make progress towards them
- Difficulties become visual, so that solutions can more easily be identified
- Improved communication with team members
- Better role clarity and player involvement
Mental rehearsal of effective team performance brings coaches and players to a common understanding on how the team will be successful.
Visualisation requires concentration. An athlete or player who begins the process and soon loses interest will not benefit from an activity they cannot sustain. Athletes and players who conscientiously prepare for performance may wish to include some form of visualisation in their program.