Be mindful when drinking over the Christmas period.
Did you know, a spirit mixed with a soft drink can have as many kilojoules and as much sugar as a slice of Christmas pudding. The issue is that it’s easy to drink multiple drinks without even realising, and before you know it, you've consumed your daily kilojoule intake just in drinks with no nutritional value.
Some tips to be sensible with your drinks over the Christmas and New Year period:
- Choose soda water or diet soft drink instead of regular soft drink
- Drink 2 glasses of water between each alcoholic beverage
- Give yourself a limit. For example; enjoy 2-3 alcoholic beverages or sweetened drinks at a Christmas function and ensure that for the rest of the day you stick to water or soda water
- Try not to let people refill your glass as it is easy to lose track of how much you have consumed
- Ensure you keep hydrated with water (especially on hot days)