Did you know that eating your meal too quickly can actually lead to you consuming more kilojoules without you knowing?
The hormones and brain chemicals responsible for regulating appetite and satiety often don't kick in until 20 minutes after you start eating. This means it takes the brain approximately 20 minutes to realise that the stomach has received enough food and is full. If you shovel food into your mouth because you’re hungry, there’s a high chance of eating more than your body actually needs.
Here are three signs that you are eating too fast: 1) you take very big bites of your food and/or don't chew thoroughly; 2) you finish your meal within 5-10mins; 3) you don't remember what the meal tasted like and you feel over-full.
So how can you slow down during meal times? Sit down at the table and eat without any distractions; put your cutlery down in between bites to allow adequate time for chewing; take smaller bites and savour the flavour; have snacks in between meals to prevent feeling over-hungry. These small things can help to prevent over-eating!