Acai berries receive a lot of attention for their superfood status!
This purple berry is from the acai palm which is indigenous to Central and South America and grows in the Amazon region. It is most commonly eaten raw or made into a juice or smoothie. Acai berries contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Many wellness gurus boast about its high antioxidant levels, however there is conflicting research about the amount of antioxidants it actually contains. Other health claims include: fighting heart disease, weight loss, prevents cancer, anti-ageing and improves sleep and overall health. Again, there is limited evidence to support this, so beware of the exaggerated claims made about this Brazilian fruit.
Instead of spending lots of money on acai berries and its supplement or powder derivatives, remember that every day fruits and vegetables found in the supermarket contain all the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals you need. If you like acai berries, then it's fine to enjoy them, but don't mistake them for being a superfood!