Everyone thinks they know what integrity is and this word appears in most values or core guiding principles statements in organisations. The statement would normally say: ‘Maintain the highest levels of business ethics and integrity’.
The concept of integrity according to Badaracco, Jr and Ellsworth in their book “Leadership and the Quest for Integrity”, is a nexus of ideas and guidelines that is central to business leadership. It is a daily quest for consistency among one’s personal beliefs, vision for an organisation, and behaviour. This consistency also applies to sporting organisations.
Consistency of action is important for a variety of reasons.
- Leaders must consistently defend and promote the values of the organisation. Many key corporate values are very fragile and the slightest compromise can undermine them
- A leader must be constantly aware of how other people will interpret their actions. Consistent behaviour is the best antidote to damaging mis-readings
- A leader must be aware that excessive flexibility and adaptability can lead to inconsistencies in behaviour
Leaders in sporting bodies can uplift and motivate their team members through the quest for integrity. They must be agents and catalysts through which others understand and identify with the power of the ideas, purposes and values that the leader represents.