Welcome Unlockd!

The VIS is thrilled to announce Unlockd  as a new Sponsor to the VIS Personal Excellence Program!

Unlockd is a Melbourne based IT start-up business which offers a new platform of a  "freemium​" ad supported phone plan. It licences its technology to telcos which "white label" it to consumers. Unlockd then passes a revenue share back to the telco which passes a percentage back to its customers.

The CEO of Unlockd is Matt Berriman who is a past VIS Scholarship Holder within the Cricket Program from 2001 – 2005. Matt worked closely with the ACE program then and has stayed a friend of the Program, he has a keen interest in elite performance and athlete wellbeing.

The Personal Excellence Program  has designed a series of 4 workshops for Unlockd Melbourne, New York  & London staff. We will be supporting the Unlockd company values of:  PASSION, COURAGE, RESPECT and the +1 FACTOR; in addition we will be providing an immersion experience for staff within our unique high performance Sport environment.  Matt’s staff will also be meeting with and travelling first hand alongside two of our VIS Olympic/Paralympic athletes.

We are very excited that Matt has chosen us to work alongside his staff to assist with their high performance thinking and business development and we are very confident that this will be a wonderful mutually beneficial partnership!

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