Stephanie Moorhouse
Current role: Wheelchair Basketball Wellbeing & Engagement Lead
Current organisation: Basketball Australia
What sport did you hold a scholarship for at VIS: Gymnastics
Time as VIS athlete: 1999-2005
Time as VIS staff member: 2022 - 2024
Tell us about your life after your time at the VIS?
The common theme in all roles I have held outside of the VIS have always involved sport in some capacity. The life skills, enjoyment, lessons and challenges that sport creates is the reason I love being a part of it. After completing two Bachelor Degree’s in Sport Management and Sport Science, work roles have involved Events, Marketing, Management and Wellbeing in a variety of organisations. Some of which include AFL, Lifesaving, 2XU, the Victorian Olympic Council, Gymnastics and back at the VIS, whilst also running my own business, Find My Balance.
What’s the one career achievement you’re most proud of?
The piece of work that I am most proud of to date is leading the development of the world first, Body Positive Guidelines for Gymnastics Australia, whilst in my role as Athlete Wellbeing and Engagement Manager. These Guidelines were developed to assist in leading change in setting clear boundaries and guidelines on acceptable language and behavior in relation to body image.
What’s the most valuable lesson you learnt during your career at the VIS?
It takes a team around you to help you achieve your goals in sport and life. Therefore, continue to reach out to people, build your network, be open to learning and always respect everyone along the journey as you never know who you may cross paths with again in the future.