Alumni: Renee McElduff


Renee McElduff

Current role: OWIA coach

Current organisation: Olympic Winter Institute Australia (OWIA)

What sport did you hold a scholarship for at VIS: Aerial Skiing

Time as VIS athlete: 2008 - 2017


Tell us about your life after your time at the VIS? 

I decided to take a year and a half out from sport, before returning to coaching at the OWIA. 

What is your proudest sporting achievement? 

Winning gold at the 2014/15 Aerial Skiing World Cup in Lake Placid, USA, becoming the sixth Australian women's aerial skier to record a World Cup win. 

What is your proudest moment outside of sport?

Marrying my wife!

What is the most valuable lesson you learnt during your time at the VIS?

Say yes to open doors. You never know what's inside. 

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