Alumni: Rachael Lynch OAM


Rachael Lynch OAM

Current role: Registered Nurse / Performance Lifestyle Adviser

Current organsiation: Austin Health / VIS

What sport did you hold a scholarship for at VIS: Hockey

Time as VIS athlete: 2003 - 2022

LinkedIn Profile

Tell us about your life after your time as an athlete at the VIS? 

Whilst I still remain active within hockey and VIS world, since retiring I have been thoroughly enjoying life. I used the 12 months following my retirement to say 'yes' to everything and do all the things I was unable to do whilst committed to a full time hockey program in Perth. 

I worked as a nurse throughout my whole career so once retired, I finished up my regional nurse manager role at Mineral Resources limited and moved to Royal Perth Hospital where I was one of the coordinators at the COVID Clinic. Being able to play a role during the Global pandemic was important to me so it was nice to spend time helping make a difference for the Perth community. 

My coaching business STOMP Goalkeeping took a big step forward with my retirement as my schedule allowed for much more face to face coaching around Australia. I was able to visit and run clinics in NSW, Qld, SA, WA, TAS and Vic in 2022 with the help of a grant from the World Olympians Association as a way to encourage participation in hockey, specifically goalkeepers.

For 2023 I decided to move back to Melbourne after 14 years in Perth with the national program. I have begun a certificate 4 in Career Education and I'm looking to transition into the sporting world for work, so Melbourne is the best place for this. It's great to be back around the VIS, the Melbourne Hockey community and my family & friends.  

What’s the one career achievement you’re most proud of?

Winning the World Olympians Association Olympian for Life award was an individual accolade that I am very proud of. This recognised not just my athletic performance but my contribution to society, through nursing and community work, and living the Olympic values. 

What’s the most valuable lesson you learnt during your career as an athlete at the VIS?

Balance and perspective were key lessons I learnt very early in my career and carried them through till the end. I worked extremely hard to complete my nursing degree in Melbourne and did so with a full time load whilst training and competing with the national program. I feel I was able to keep a level head and a strong perspective by doing nursing and charity work relentlessly for all 15 years of my hockey career. When sport felt all consuming or wasn't going well, I was able to step away and focus on helping others and doing my part for the community. I truly believe that focusing on being a good person is what allowed me to be a great hockey player. 

My coach and good friend Stacia Strain taught me the quote that I have lived by - "People don't remember what you achieved, they remember how you made them feel." This has guided all of my actions as I aspired to be the best person I could be.

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