Alumni: Dennis Makaling


Dennis Makaling

Current role: General Manager

Current organisation: Squash and Racquetball Victoria

What sport did you hold a scholarship for at VIS: Table Tennis

Time as VIS athlete: 1990 - 1994


Tell us about your life after your time at the VIS? 

I got married and had two sons. Worked in the insurance industry for 20 years and finished a Commerce degree and Masters in Business - Sport Management. Worked for Table Tennis Victoria as the CEO and now General Manager of Squash & Racquetball Vic. 

What is your proudest sporting achievement? 

Winning my two Australian Men's Singles titles and Oceania Men's Singles title.

What is your proudest moment outside of sport?

Having my two sons and finishing my bachelor's degree and masters.

What is the most valuable lesson you learnt during your time at the VIS?

It is possible to juggle sport, career or school all at once and still excel.

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